Written by Reza Jamili The health and medical tourism industry in East Asia is growing rapidly, with many countries in the region becoming increasingly attractive destinations for medical an... Read more
Various experts in the field of health tourism and medical tourism in the world believe that the trends of this industry will change in 2023 and these changes will continue at a tremendous s... Read more
Health tourism in Europe has a long and varied history. It began in the late 19th century when people from all over the world began to travel to Europe for medical treatments, often due to t... Read more
Written by Reza Jamili Business networks are inherently dense. They are composed of a variety of stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, partners, and competitors. These stakeholders i... Read more
Health tourism in Italy has changed significantly from the past to now. In the past, Italy was known for its traditional medical treatments such as spas and hydrotherapy. Now, Italy is becom... Read more
Doctors and their career future: from immigration to replacement with artificial intelligence
Written by Reza Jamili The medical profession is facing a shortage of doctors in many countries, and immigration can help to fill this gap. Immigration can bring in new doctors with differen... Read more
A look at the most important opportunities in the health tourism industry in the year ending 2023
The medical tourism industry has seen significant growth in the last three years. According to a report by the Medical Tourism Association, the global medical tourism market is expected to r... Read more